ports+-1.90 Released ― 2008年01月13日 15時38分04秒
- The archive is now in ports tarball format.
- All know bug fixes.
The files are now organized as ports tarball. You can either extract under ports-mgmt or local as ports+ not being an official package, yet. You can install ports+ by the following steps. This will overwrite existing ports+ if you happened to install ports+ manually. It won't be harmful.
# cd /usr/ports
# mkdir local
# cd local
# fetch http://www.ne.jp/asahi/export/uyota/src/ports+-1.90.tar.gz
# tar xfz ports+1.90.tar.gz
# cd ports+
# make install
===> Extracting for ports+-1.90
===> Patching for ports+-1.90
===> Configuring for ports+-1.90
===> Installing for ports+-1.90
===> ports+-1.90 depends on executable: gmake - found
===> ports+-1.90 depends on executable: gawk - found
===> Generating temporary packing list
===> Checking if ports-mgmt/ports+ already installed
install -o root -g wheel -m 555 /usr/ports/local/ports+/files/ports+.sh /usr/local/sbin/ports+
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/ports/local/ports+/files/GNUmakefile /usr/local/ports+
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/ports/local/ports+/files/README /usr/local/ports+
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/ports/local/ports+/files/ports+.1 /usr/local/man/man1
if [ ! -f /usr/local/etc/ports+.conf ]; then
install -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/ports/local/ports+/files/ports+.conf /usr/local/etc;
===> Compressing manual pages for ports+-1.90
===> Registering installation for ports+-1.90
All of known bugs are fixed with this release. Details are listed below. This is a major step to seek more testing for wider audiences.
- Undesired environment variable leak from GNU make to BSD make.
- This prevents BSD make error due to incompatible flags.
- +IGNOREME handling.
- Now, ports+ is compatible to portupgrade and portmaster on ignore list. It eliminate need of maintaining ignore list in ports+.conf.
- Upgrade verification.
- If backup is used to restore a package, it was still considered operation was successful as "pkg_add was successful." However, it isn't "upgrade was successful."
- ports++install or ports++upgrade file as a marker in /var/db/pkg/*-*.
- This is just for you to know ports+ did it. This feature will be removed once enough tests are done.
- Verification of "clean" target.
- Actually, "clean" target existed quite while. However, it was known to conflict with sysutil/clean. It installs the package, too, without my intension. I attempted to allow package directory names as target like seamonky for www/seamonky and wget for ftp/wget. It was implmeneted once and being tested for a while. It turneded out that it was simply impossible. Some of packages are under multiple categies like xpdf for print/xpdf, japanese/xpdf, chinese/xpdf. Actually, these ones are not impossible as their package names become xpdf, ja-xpdf, and zh-xpdf. There was another set of problems. devel/git and misc/git where both name becomes "git" as package name.Therefore, I had to give up on this idea and "sysutil/clean" no longer conflicts with the "clean" target.
- Handling of -j/--jobs option via wrapper.
- If --jobs option is specified, "dialog" which is called via "make config" hangs because it cannot attach to standard input. The wrapper shell script adds CONFIG_DONE=1 to call BSD make to avoid such situation. You can configure next time you build. Unfortunately, this is one of shortcoming of ports+.
このエントリのトラックバックURL: http://uyota.asablo.jp/blog/2008/01/13/2558560/tb
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