ports を更新しようと思ったが2006年10月17日 11時36分03秒

6.2-RELEASE も近付いてきているし、ports freeze もあるし、折角だから ports を更新しようと思った。

いざ、/usr/ports/UPDATING を見ると、大きい変更がいくつもある。以下のが、自分に影響が大きいものを日付順にしたものだ。

  AFFECTS: users of net/samba3
  AUTHOR: timur@gnu.org

  Revision of Samba 3.0.23c port had changed location of the directory,
  where Samba stores it's smbpasswd files from $PREFIX/private to a more
  common $PREFIX/etc/samba.


  AFFECTS: users of any ports using Python
  AUTHOR: perky@FreeBSD.org

  After upgrading of lang/python, you must rebuild all its consumer
  ports to make them get ready to Python 2.5.


  AFFECTS: All GNOME users
  AUTHOR: gnome@FreeBSD.org

  GNOME has been updated to 2.16 and all GNOME components have been
  moved from X11BASE to LOCALBASE, to upgrade your GNOME desktop and
  applications you will need either sysutils/portupgrade or
  sysutils/portmaster. To use portmaster, make sure you have least
  1.9 version to have the upgrade success.
