FreeBSD supported branches update2008年06月03日 17時43分31秒

FreeBSD 5.5、FreeBSD 6.1、FreeBSD 6.2 のサポートが終了した。FreeBSD 6.2 と FreeBSD 7.0 が現在サポートの対象だ。
The branches supported by the FreeBSD Security Officer have been updated
to reflect recent EoL (end-of-life) events.  The new list is below and
at <URL: >.  FreeBSD 5.5, FreeBSD 6.1, and
FreeBSD 6.2 have `expired' and are no longer supported effective June 1,
2008.  Users of these releases are advised to upgrade promptly to FreeBSD
6.3 or FreeBSD 7.0, either by downloading an updated source tree and
building updates manually, or (for i386 and amd64 systems) using the
FreeBSD Update utility as described in the FreeBSD 6.3 and FreeBSD 7.0
release announcements.
   |  Branch   |  Release  |  Type  |  Release date   |  Estimated EoL  |
   |RELENG_6   |n/a        |n/a     |n/a              |January 31, 2010 |
   |RELENG_6_3 |6.3-RELEASE|Extended|January 18, 2008 |January 31, 2010 |
   |RELENG_7   |n/a        |n/a     |n/a              |last release + 2y|
   |RELENG_7_0 |7.0-RELEASE|Normal  |February 27, 2008|February 28, 2009|